Market and marketing Nestle
Nestle entered in Colombia not only as vendors, in 1944 create the first factory in Buga (Valle del Cauca) and since then they also work with farmers in order to help them to improve the life quality and guarantee the products quality, and they have also some projects for help of the planet in the use of natural resources.
The principal interest of the company is to work based in social responsibility and ambient sustainability and by more 140 years. This is the purpose in all enterprise around the world.
The company has important part for the people in our country, these is creating shared value that consists in social responsibility programs for the less privileged people.
Marketing Strategies:
The strategies of the company based in nutrition and well-being that’s why their slogan is “ Good Food, Good Life”
• Buy Colombian companies in order to expand the brand
• They also want to introduce new products as Nespresso
• They take care of the technological advances
• They work in to Increase the capability of some factories.
• They continue working in improving the product’s quality
The Colombian Market:
Their participation in the Colombian Market is through the products as:
• Quick drinks
• Quick coffee
• Dairy products
• Chocolates
• Candies
• Cookies
• Kids nutrition
• Breakfast cereal